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D3.4 Fingerprints of fossil CO2 sources

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D3.4 Fingerprints of fossil CO2 sources

A.T.J. de Laat, R.J. van der A

Anthropogenic CO2 and NO2 emissions from combustion processes have usually the same sources but with different emission ratios. By applying the known emission ratios of CO2 and NO2 from established emission databases to the satellite-derived NO2 emissions we derive CO2 emissions based on satellite observations of NO2. We have used the inverse algorithm DECSO to the high resolution NO2 observations of TROPOMI. We have analyzed DECSO-TROPOMI NO2 emissions for the Iberian Peninsula and an area over South America. We have derived CO2 emissions based on multiplying the DECSO-TROPOMI NO2 emissions with CO2 over NO2 emission ratios derived from a TNO emissions database.

We find that the spatial distribution of DECSO-TROPOMI based CO2 emissions of the Iberian Peninsula and the South America region overall appears realistic, especially if they are corrected for NO2 soil emissions.

Some uncertainties are added by the fact that spatial patterns of emissions ratios revealing strong inter-country differences. It was also shown that the ratios can vary a lot over time, and therefore the year of the ratios and NO2 emissions should be the same.