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PublishedApril 26, 2019

CO2 Human Emissions at the European Geosciences Union in Vienna

PublishedApril 26, 2019

CO2 Human Emissions at the European Geosciences Union in Vienna

Around 16000 scientists from more than 100 countries gathered in Vienna for the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU2019) where key results of the CHE projects were presented in two sessions dedicated to CO2 and Greenhouse Gases.

EMPA scientist Jean-Matthieu Haussaire presented the CHE library of simulations from global to local scales and highlighted future run scenarios in his talk at the Carbon Dioxide and Methane Remote Sensing session.

JM Presenting Libraries
Jean-Mathieu Haussaire presenting results on CHE libraries of simulations

Gianpaolo Balsamo, ECMWF, conveyed a well-attended opening talk in a session on ‘Science-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimates in Support of National and Sub-National Climate Change Mitigation’ convened by Phil DeCola (Univeristy of Maryland), Oksana Tarasova (WMO) and Tomohiro Oda (NASA). 

The presentation of CO2 Monitoring & Verification Support Capacity prepared by Greet Maenhout (European Commission Joint Research Centre) and the EU’s CO2 Task Force illustrated the ambitious timeline to deliver an Earth Observation-based integrated information system to support national reporting and Paris Agreement implementation.

The sessions contained several talks on scientific advances in the area of use of the atmospheric observations and analysis ssystems to improve knowledge of the greenhouse gas emissions (many of those initiatives support the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System IG3IS coordinated by WMO). 

Oksana Tarasova (WMO) presented also the advances in gathering greenhouse gas  information User Requirements & Needs as the outcome of the IG3IS Symposium in the poster session.


Oksana Tarasova presented the Greenhouse Gas Information User Requirements and Needs as gathered within IG3IS.

Han Dolman (VU, CHE External Advisory Board Chair) presented the advances in the VERIFY project and discussed the effectiveness of collaborating with CHE.

Han Dolman presented the VERIFY overview poster


CHE at EGU2019

The CHE overview and methodologies posters presented by Gianpaolo Balsamo, Joe McNorton and Margarita Choulga (all ECMWF) illustrated the CHE project structure and how a future CHE prototype will represent the CO2 emissions uncertainty and the evolution of concentrations in the atmosphere via Ensemble based CO2 simulations.

Margarita Choulga, Joe McNorton, and Gianpaolo Balsamo presented three poster on the CHE project work.

NASA-JPL scientist Thomas Kurosu presented the exciting upcoming Satellite missions relevant for CHE, the OCO-3 CO2 NASA satellite mission due to launch on the
30 April 2019. More information on OCO-3 can be found here

The MPI scientist Julia Marshall presented the Methane emissions feasibility studies developed within the CHARM-F airborne campaign and the model simulations to inform on the capability of the future MERLIN ESA Lidar satellite mission, foreseen to launch in 2024.

Several side discussions helped to identify research areas relevant for CHE and its follow-on activities and to already prepare for future participation at next year’s EGU General Assembly with further increased participation from CHE consortium.