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Bottom up natural fluxes of CH4 for Europe

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Bottom up natural fluxes of CH4 for Europe

Tiina Markkanen (FMI)

We estimated daily natural peatland and mineral soil fluxes in Europe from 2005 to 2017 with JSBACH-HIMMELI coupled model framework (see poster by Raivonen et. al.). In the first set-up we used a spatial  resolution of 0.5° and recently a 0.1° spatial resolution. Distribution of vegetation cover was adopted from European CORINE landcover 2012 (CLC12) data and translated into JSBACH plant functional types (PFT). All CLC12 inland wetland vegetation types were attributed to PFT wetland as well as to an additional peatland category in both run set-ups. Moreover, in the low resolution set-up a fraction of other vegetation types characterized by peat soils in CLC12 was attributed to peatlands. Salt marshes and other wetland habitats in the vicinity of salty water bodies were not included in the peatland class as salt effectively inhibits methane production. 
CRUJRA data processed in the context of Global Carbon Project was used as climate driving data of JSBACH for the first simulations with both resolutions. For further simulations we will adopt ERA5 data instead. 
Soil moisture estimated by JSBACH was used to calculate the mineral soil source and sink strengths.